Skandinaviska IFAB Filtrering AB located in Gothenburg, Sweden has from 2018-07-13 acquired
Industrimineral BQ AB’s stock of filter aids and takes over there with all Industriminerals customers on these products. Anders Borgenstierna would like to thank all the customers for these years of
cooperation and would like to announce that this means that all orders and deliveries from now on will be handled by IFAB at the same high level of service as before.
Skandinaviska IFAB Filtrering AB has since the 60’s delivered filtration solutions to various industries in both Sweden and abroad. The company is a leading actor in the industry and many years of experience when it comes to filtration. IFAB is a complete supplier with one of the largest filter product portfolios on the market. IFAB’s main warehouse is located in Gothenburg, Sweden together with its HQ and sales office.
The following articles are included in this change; Celatom, Dicalite and Pre Floc.
All concerned customers will be contacted by IFAB’s sales team in the near future and orders can be
submitted from now on to: or by telephone to +46 (0)31-92 20 70
We welcome all new customers and look forward to a good cooperation!
Best Regards Anders Mattsson CEO