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Self-cleaning automatic filters are an excellent solution in applications where either large amounts of particles must be filtered out during continuous operation or where the liquid is of such a nature that you do not want to handle it manually. Self-cleaning filters are available in a variety of models and can handle flows from 20 m3/h up to 4500 m3/h and more. The degree of separation is also very variable.

The choice of self-cleaning filter can vary depending on the temperature of the liquid, pressure, the type of particles/pollution to be filtered out and how much is to be filtered out.

Why use backwash filtration?
It is a very effective approach for cleaning the system. It happens automatically according to set variables that are generally set during installation. The system takes care of itself and can filter down to very small particles.

We provide and service such as Amiad, Filtomat, Tekleen and others.

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